Give a push and pull factor for each type of Migration

Chain Migration
Push factor? Pull Factor?

What do you think?

Chain Migration refers to the phenomenon where primary migrants, having already migrated to a new location, are then followed by family members or friends from their home country. Here are the push and pull factors for chain migration:

Push factor: The push factor for chain migration can be the difficult economic conditions, political instability, conflict, or lack of opportunities in the home country. These push factors can push the primary migrants to seek a better life elsewhere and establish themselves in a new location.

Pull factor: The pull factor for chain migration is usually the presence of family or friends who have already migrated to a specific destination. The established links and networks in the new location provide social and emotional support, information, and assistance to the primary migrants. The pull factor is the bond of kinship, shared culture, and the promise of social and economic opportunities that encourage family members or friends to follow and join the primary migrants in the new location.

It's important to note that the push and pull factors can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific context of migration.