is intervening opportunity a type of migration


What are 8 types of migration?

I got Chain Migration, Forced, Global Scale, Internal, International, Step, and Voluntary
I need 1 more

Yes, "intervening opportunity" is indeed a concept related to migration. It is a term used in geography to explain the reasons why people decide to settle in a particular location rather than reaching their intended destination.

To understand the concept of intervening opportunity, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the basics of migration: Understand that migration refers to the movement of people from one place to another, usually driven by factors such as economic opportunities, political instability, environmental conditions, or social factors.

2. Familiarize yourself with intervening opportunities: Intervening opportunities are unforeseen or unexpected circumstances that cause migrants to settle in a location that lies along their migration route instead of reaching their original destination. These opportunities could include the availability of jobs, better living conditions, or a more favorable social environment.

3. Study examples: Look into real-world examples where intervening opportunities have influenced migration patterns. For instance, if individuals were migrating from rural areas to a particular city for employment opportunities, they may encounter another city along the way that offers even better job prospects. In such cases, some individuals might decide to settle in the intervening city instead of continuing their journey to the original destination.

By understanding the concept of intervening opportunity and its role in migration, you can gain a broader understanding of how and why people make decisions regarding their movement and settlement.