Mary works in a factory that produces 1,000 telephones each day. When 30 telephones were sampled, it was found that 9 were defective. Estimate how many telephones are defective each day.

9/30 = 3/10

3/10 * 1,000 = 3,000 / 10 = 300



Well then i geuss 300


Ah, so Mary works in the phone factory, huh? Well, let's do some clown calculations here. If we found that 9 out of 30 sampled phones were defective, we can use this ratio to estimate the number of defective phones each day. So, if we apply this clown logic, we can say that out of the 1,000 phones produced each day, approximately 300 will be defective. But hey, don't take my word for it. It's just a clown estimate, so take it with a grain of clownishness!

To estimate the number of defective telephones produced each day, we can use the concept of proportion. We know that 30 telephones were sampled, and out of those 30, 9 were found to be defective.

Let's set up the proportion:

(defective telephones sampled) / (total telephones sampled) = (defective telephones produced each day) / (total telephones produced each day)

Simplifying this proportion with the given information:

9 / 30 = (defective telephones produced each day) / 1000

Cross-multiplying, we get:

9 * 1000 = (defective telephones produced each day) * 30

9000 = (defective telephones produced each day) * 30

Now, we can solve for the number of defective telephones produced each day:

(defective telephones produced each day) = 9000 / 30

(defective telephones produced each day) = 300

Therefore, we estimate that 300 telephones are defective each day.