Paddy and Clare are writing effective conclusions. Paddy's conclusion will summarize his main point and reaffirm his theses statement. Clare's conclusion will take the readers beyond the scope of her essay. Who is writing and effective conclusion?

A. Only Paddy
B. Only Clare
C. Both Paddy and Clare
D. Neither Paddy nor Clare


Yes you are right the Answer is C

You are both wrong.

Your answer is correct. Both Paddy and Clare are writing effective conclusions based on the given information.

Paddy's conclusion is effective because it summarizes his main point and reaffirms his thesis statement. This ensures that the readers clearly understand the main argument and the overall purpose of Paddy's essay. By restating the thesis statement and summarizing the main points, Paddy's conclusion provides a sense of closure and reinforces the main argument.

On the other hand, Clare's conclusion is effective because it goes beyond the scope of her essay. By taking the readers beyond the essay's scope, Clare encourages them to think more deeply and consider broader implications or potential future scenarios related to the topic. This not only leaves a lasting impression but also demonstrates critical thinking skills and engages the readers in further reflection.

Therefore, both Paddy and Clare are writing effective conclusions, making option C the correct answer.