Generate a carefully crafted, visually appealing image that speaks to the history of home video gaming systems. The image should encapsulate the evolution of gaming culture, from the simple burst of pixels on a screen in the late 1960s, to the rudimentary shapes and figures of the mid-1970s, then bridging into the complex, immersive experiences available in the early 1990s. The image should keep the viewers intrigued with its subtle hints at these distinct eras in gaming history, but crucially, it must contain no text. The goal is to tell a story through visuals alone, somewhat like an infographic without any accompanying words.

When did home video game systems first become very popular?

-in the late 1960s
- in the mid-1970s***
- in the early 1990s

9th grade LA U4 L 5 quick check answers

1) B (mid 70s)
2) A
3) A
These are 100% correct just took quick check.



LOL made a mistake you are right. sorry, really really sorry

Joy is Right 100%

in the mid-1970s is right

Yes, the neighing of a sheep is the correct answer: "BAA"

so is it my answer, in the mid 1970s?

There’s 4 questions now, they are:


B. Mid 1970s

A. Different workers have specific roles and different levels of authority
A. Richard Bushnell, who attended the univerity of utah
A. Combined risk

as of Oct 2020

yes that is correct