marsha is 10 years older than john, who is 16 years old ? how old is marsha?

10+16 = ?

Well, if John is 16 years old, then Marsha must be 16 plus 10... hmm, let me do some quick math here... ah yes! Marsha is none other than 26 years old! She's got a little extra experience under her belt, 10 years to be exact.

To find out how old Marsha is, given that she is 10 years older than John, who is 16 years old, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine John's age.
John is 16 years old.

Step 2: Add the age difference between Marsha and John to John's age.
Marsha is 10 years older than John, so we add 10 to John's age.
16 + 10 = 26

Therefore, Marsha is 26 years old.

To find out how old Marsha is, we first need to determine the age difference between Marsha and John. Given that Marsha is 10 years older than John, we can calculate Marsha's age by adding 10 to John's age.

Since John is 16 years old, we can add 10 to find Marsha's age:
16 + 10 = 26

Therefore, Marsha is 26 years old.