6. George Washington warned that political parties would (1 point)

divide the nation.
create lively debate.*
help the nation.
destroy states' rights.

7. Federalists believed in (1 point)
free trade.
state banks.*
a national bank.
rule by the people.

8. Which view did Thomas Jefferson NOT hold? (1 point)
rule by wealthy class*
pro­French ideas
strong state government
pro­state banks

9. What made it a crime to speak, write, or publish "false, scandalous, and malicious" criticisms
of the government?
(1 point)
XYZ Affair
Citizen Act
Sedition Act*
Alien Act

10. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions suggested that states might (1 point)
be bound by federal laws.
write their own laws.
nullify federal laws.*
overturn neighboring states' laws.

This is social studies, so...

Sorry..Can someone help

6, 7 are wrong.

The others are right

okay thank you Ms.Sue.. I see how people been treating you...you don't deserve that

6. a

7. c

Got 100

It's only a small minority who take out their frustrations on me. Most of the students are courteous and appreciative.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, YOLO.

Your Welcome, I was that student before but I've change and notice the good things you do..hope everyone will do the same..♥♥♥♥

If you don't mind old are you


For real your really wise..I asked because I saw a post saying you were a 16 year old boy