That container of fried rice has spent six weeks in the back of the refrigerator.

I need help finding the complete subject and the simple subject.

First, find the main verb.

Then identify the subject.

Let us know what you decide.

I really don't know. I'm so lost.

To find the verb:

Then to find the subject:

So, the subject is fried rice??

No. Read again.

And remember that words in prepositional phrases are never subjects.

okay, so of fried rice is prepositional and in the back of the refrigerator is as well.

so that only leaves that container
which container could be the subject. Am I close?

Container is the simple subject.

Yes ... container is the simple subject.

The complete subject is the simple subject and everything that modifies/describes it.

ok so that means the only thing left to make the complete subject is six weeks. Because, everything else in the sentence is prepositional phrases.

All the words up to the verb make up the complete subject.

That container of fried rice ...