5a2b – 13ab + 7a3 – 4b, in decending order


thank you

To arrange the given expression in descending order, we need to look at the exponents of the variables. We start with the largest exponent and move towards the smallest exponent.

Let's break down the expression: 5a^2b - 13ab + 7a^3 - 4b

First, we have the term 7a^3. This term has the highest exponent, so it comes first in the descending order.

Next, we have the term 5a^2b. This term has a lower exponent than the previous one but is still higher than the remaining terms.

Then, we have the term -13ab. This term has no exponent for a, so it comes after the terms with a^3 and a^2.

Finally, we have the term -4b. This term has the lowest exponent, so it comes last in the descending order.

Putting it all together, the expression arranged in descending order is: 7a^3 + 5a^2b - 13ab - 4b.