A list of tasks to be completed by a company for a special project is C

Detailed Invoice
Statement of Work
Statement of Workload
System Workload

To get a list of tasks for a company's special project, you can start by breaking down and understanding the different documents you mentioned: Detailed Invoice, Statement of Work, Statement of Workload, and System Workload.

1. Detailed Invoice: This document typically includes a breakdown of the costs associated with a project. It may list specific tasks or components of the project and the corresponding expenses. To get a list of tasks from a Detailed Invoice, you would need to review the document and identify the specific line items that represent tasks.

2. Statement of Work (SOW): This document outlines the objectives, deliverables, scope, and timelines of a project. It provides a comprehensive overview of what needs to be accomplished. To extract a list of tasks from an SOW, you should review the document and identify the specific tasks listed under the project's deliverables or action items sections.

3. Statement of Workload: This term seems to be less commonly used. However, it could refer to a document that outlines the distribution of work among team members or departments. To find a list of tasks from a Statement of Workload, you would need to review the document and identify the tasks assigned to individuals or groups.

4. System Workload: This term typically refers to the demand or load on a computer system or network. It may not directly contain a list of tasks for a project, but it can influence the tasks needed to manage or maintain the system. To determine the tasks associated with system workload, you would need to understand the specific requirements of the project and its impact on the system, and then identify the tasks required to address those requirements.

In summary, to obtain a list of tasks for a company's special project from the documents mentioned, you would need to carefully review each document and identify the specific sections or line items that relate to tasks or actions to be completed.