What is 503,000,000 as a percentage?

Circle the letter of the answear in which 503,000,000 is written correctly in scientific notation.(superscript -7, superscript 6,and superscript 8

1)5.03 x 10-7
2)503 x 106
3)5.03 x 108
4)503 million

I got number 3 for the answear.

And you get the prize.

5.03 x 108 is correct. and 5.03x108

i had to help my younger sis with this answer not even ten mins ago.

lol it's 50^2 *3000^5*100

which equals 503,000,000 out of 100

ahem - you multiply by 100 to turn a number to a percentage:

1 = 100%
10 = 1000%
503,000,000 = 5.03x10^8

5.03x10^8 = 5.03x10^10 %
But that's a different problem, eh?

To find the percentage of a number, you need to divide the number by the total and then multiply by 100. In this case, the number is 503,000,000.

First, divide 503,000,000 by the total. The total would typically be given or understood from the context, but in this case, we don't have that information. Please provide the total number so that I can calculate the percentage accurately.