Sohini bought 400 eggs at Rs 8.40 a dozen. At what price per hundred must she sell them so as to earn a profit of 15 percent?

Give me the solution of it.

But answer is rs 80.50

CP of 1 egg = 840/12 = 0.7 RS

CP of 400 eggs = 400*0.7 = 280 RS
CP of 400 eggs per hundred = 2.80 RS
Profit = 15/100*2.8 = .42 RS
SP = 280+.42 = 3.22 RS

In the U.S., we prefer "please" to "give me."

How do you think this problem can be solved?

simplest way i can see:

purchase price = 400 at 8.40
100 at 2.10

profit of 15% of 2.10 = 1.15(2.10) = 2.415

It's 8.40 a dozen

Please do something

12 for 8.40

8.40/12 = 0.7 Rs/egg

0.7 * 1.15 = .805 Rs/egg

times 100 = 80.5

When you get to Chemistry, remember how we did that

Thnx Damon.

To solve this problem, we need to first calculate how much Sohini paid for the eggs and then determine the selling price per hundred eggs to earn a 15% profit.

Step 1: Calculate the cost of 400 eggs.
Sohini bought 400 eggs at Rs 8.40 a dozen, which means she bought 400/12 = 33.33 dozens.
The total cost of the eggs is 33.33 * Rs 8.40 = Rs 279.99.

Step 2: Determine the selling price per hundred eggs.
To earn a profit of 15%, Sohini needs to sell the eggs for 115% of the cost price.
Let's assume the selling price per hundred eggs is Rs X.
So, the cost price per hundred eggs is Rs 100.

The selling price per hundred eggs can be calculated as:
Cost Price + (Cost Price * Profit Percentage)
X = 100 + (100 * 15/100)
X = 100 + (100 * 0.15)
X = 100 + 15
X = 115

Therefore, Sohini needs to sell the eggs at Rs 115 per hundred to earn a profit of 15%.