which view did thomas jefferson not hold

strong state government

What are your choices? What is your answer?

wat is the answer/?

Its C

Thomas Jefferson held a wide range of views as a Founding Father and the third President of the United States. However, there were a few views that he did not hold. To determine which view Thomas Jefferson did not hold, we can examine his writings, speeches, and historical records.

Some possible views that Thomas Jefferson did not hold include:

1. Strong Central Government: Jefferson believed in decentralizing power and supporting states' rights. He advocated for limited federal government interference and promoted a more agrarian society with power dispersed among the states and local governments.

2. Protective Tariffs: Jefferson generally favored free trade and was against protectionist policies such as tariffs. He believed that free trade would benefit the overall economy and that protectionist measures would primarily benefit certain industries at the expense of consumers.

3. Strong Executive Power: Jefferson was a proponent of limited executive power. He believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and emphasized the role of the legislature in the decision-making process. He opposed the expansion of executive authority and advocated for a system of checks and balances.

4. Strict Interpretation of the Constitution: Jefferson believed in a strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that he believed the powers of the federal government should be limited to those explicitly granted in the Constitution. He was critical of expansive interpretations that would enlarge the power of the federal government.

It is important to note that while Jefferson may not have held certain views, his opinions on some matters evolved over time, and there may be nuanced positions he held on specific issues. Consequently, it is always recommended to refer to primary sources and scholarly analysis for a comprehensive understanding of Jefferson's views.