Hudson is already 40 miles away form home on his drive back to college. He is driving 65 mi/h. Write an equation that models the total distance d traveled after h hours.

d = 40 + 65h

To write an equation that models the total distance traveled after h hours, we can use the formula:

d = 40 + 65h

In this equation, 40 represents the initial distance from home, and 65h represents the additional distance covered at a rate of 65 miles per hour for each hour traveled.

To write an equation that models the total distance Hudson has traveled after h hours, we can use the formula:

d = distance traveled
h = hours

Since Hudson is already 40 miles away from home, we need to add that to the distance he will travel after h hours. The distance he will travel after h hours can be calculated using the equation:

distance traveled = rate × time

In this case, the rate is 65 mi/h and the time is h hours. Therefore, the equation that models Hudson's total distance traveled after h hours is:

d = 40 + 65h

So, the equation is:

d = 40 + 65h