Which of the following are reliable sources of post-secondary information?

Collegeboard.c*m (Not letting me put it so i put a * of O)
An institution or organization's website
All of the above ***

You're right.

Well, "reliable" is a strong word. But if we had to pick the most reliable source from the options you've given, it would probably be an institution or organization's website. Peterson's and Collegeboard.com can be helpful too, but they might have their own biases and limitations. Just remember, always approach information with a healthy dose of skepticism, and if in doubt, consult multiple sources.

All of the above are reliable sources of post-secondary information.

Peterson's is a reputable source that provides information on colleges and universities, including admission requirements, academic programs, and financial aid options.

Collegeboard.com (Collegeboard.org) is also a reliable source that offers information about colleges, SAT and AP exams, scholarships, and college planning resources.

Institutions or organizations' websites, such as the official website of a college or university, are reliable sources for accurate and up-to-date information about admissions, academic programs, faculty, campus facilities, and more. These websites often provide detailed information about specific majors, campus life, extracurricular activities, and support services.

Therefore, if you are looking for reliable sources of post-secondary information, all of the options listed above are valid choices.

To determine which sources are reliable for post-secondary information, it is essential to evaluate each source based on certain criteria. Here are the criteria to consider when assessing the reliability of sources for post-secondary information:

1. Accuracy: Look for sources that provide accurate and up-to-date information. Ensure that the information presented is supported by facts, research, or credible references.

2. Authoritativeness: Consider the authority or expertise of the source. Look for sources that are reputable, trusted, and have a history of providing reliable information in the field of post-secondary education.

Now, let's evaluate the provided options based on these criteria:

1. Peterson's: Peterson's is a well-established and renowned publisher of education resources. They provide accurate and comprehensive information about colleges, universities, and various post-secondary programs. Peterson's is generally considered a reliable source for post-secondary information.

2. Collegeboard.org: College Board is a widely recognized and reputable organization that administers standardized tests (such as the SAT) and provides a range of resources related to college admissions. Their website, collegeboard.org, offers valuable information about colleges and universities, scholarships, financial aid, and more. Consequently, Collegeboard.org is considered a reliable source of post-secondary information.

3. An institution or organization's website: Official websites of colleges, universities, and other educational institutions can be reliable sources as they provide information directly from the source. However, it is crucial to still assess the accuracy and authority of the information presented on these websites.

Considering the evaluation based on the given criteria, all of the options mentioned (Peterson's, Collegeboard.org, and an institution or organization's website) can be considered reliable sources of post-secondary information. Therefore, the correct option is "All of the above."