how to develop a C program that will determine whether a department-store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account.

To develop a C program that determines whether a department-store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by defining the necessary variables for the program, such as account number, beginning balance, total charges, total credits, credit limit, and new balance. For example:

int accountNumber;
double beginningBalance, totalCharges, totalCredits, creditLimit, newBalance;

2. Prompt the user to enter the account number, beginning balance, total charges, total credits, and credit limit. For example:

printf("Enter account number: ");
scanf("%d", &accountNumber);

printf("Enter beginning balance: ");
scanf("%lf", &beginningBalance);

printf("Enter total charges: ");
scanf("%lf", &totalCharges);

printf("Enter total credits: ");
scanf("%lf", &totalCredits);

printf("Enter credit limit: ");
scanf("%lf", &creditLimit);

3. Calculate the new balance by adding the beginning balance, total charges, and subtracting the total credits. For example:

newBalance = beginningBalance + totalCharges - totalCredits;

4. Check if the new balance exceeds the credit limit. If it does, display a message indicating that the customer has exceeded the credit limit; otherwise, display a message indicating that they have not. For example:

if (newBalance > creditLimit) {
printf("Credit limit exceeded!\n");
} else {
printf("Credit limit not exceeded.\n");

5. End the program.

Putting it all together, the complete C program would look like this:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int accountNumber;
double beginningBalance, totalCharges, totalCredits, creditLimit, newBalance;

printf("Enter account number: ");
scanf("%d", &accountNumber);

printf("Enter beginning balance: ");
scanf("%lf", &beginningBalance);

printf("Enter total charges: ");
scanf("%lf", &totalCharges);

printf("Enter total credits: ");
scanf("%lf", &totalCredits);

printf("Enter credit limit: ");
scanf("%lf", &creditLimit);

newBalance = beginningBalance + totalCharges - totalCredits;

if (newBalance > creditLimit) {
printf("Credit limit exceeded!\n");
} else {
printf("Credit limit not exceeded.\n");

return 0;

Hope this helps you understand how to develop a C program to determine if a customer has exceeded their credit limit!