draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in a molecule of the covalent compound arsine,ash3 use o to represent an electron from aresenic

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To draw the Lewis structure of a molecule, such as arsine (AsH3), we need to determine the total number of valence electrons present in the molecule.

Arsenic (As) belongs to Group 15 in the periodic table, so it has 5 valence electrons. Hydrogen (H) has 1 valence electron. There are three hydrogen atoms, so the total number of valence electrons in arsine is:

(5 valence electrons from arsenic) + (3 valence electrons from hydrogen) = 8 valence electrons.

Now, let's proceed to draw the Lewis structure:

1. Start by placing the arsenic atom in the center. As arsenic is less electronegative than hydrogen, it tends to be the central atom.

H - As - H

2. As we have 8 valence electrons, we distribute them around the atoms, beginning with hydrogen. Each hydrogen atom needs 2 electrons (a duet) to achieve a stable configuration.

H - As - H

3. Next, we place the remaining electrons around the central atom, filling the octets (except for hydrogen, which only needs two electrons). Remember to place the electrons in pairs (represented by dots) and distribute them evenly.

: : |
H - As - H
: : |

4. Finally, make sure that the arsenic atom has an octet of electrons. If there are any remaining valence electrons, place them around the central atom.

: : |
H - As - H
: : |

In this Lewis structure, the dots represent the valence electrons from arsenic (As). The hydrogen atoms (H) have achieved the stable duet configuration with two electrons.

Please note that the Lewis structure represents the arrangement of valence electrons but doesn't indicate the actual shape or bond angles of the molecule.