What is 50x50=?

no calculator?

5*10 * 5*10
5*5 * 10*10
25 * 100

Stephania 50x50=2,500

To find the answer to 50 multiplied by 50, you would simply multiply the two numbers together. Another way to think about it is to remember that multiplication represents repeated addition. So, you can add 50 to itself 50 times.

But since we're talking about a large multiplication, let me show you a more efficient method called long multiplication.

To multiply 50 by 50 using long multiplication, you can follow these steps:

1. Write 50 at the top and 50 on the left side, creating a grid.
x 50

2. Begin with the units place. Multiply the numbers in the units place (0 x 0), which equals 0. Write the 0 under the line.
x 50

3. Move to the tens place. Multiply the digit in the tens place of the top number (5) by the digit in the units place of the bottom number (0). Write this product (0) below the line in the tens place.
x 50

4. Multiply the digit in the units place of the top number (0) by the digit in the tens place of the bottom number (5). Write this product (0) below the line in the units place.
x 50

5. Finally, multiply the digit in the tens place of the top number (5) by the digit in the tens place of the bottom number (5). Write this product (25) below the line in the tens place.
x 50

The result of 50 multiplied by 50 is 2500.