what is heat

LOL - first do the diffraction video :)

i did and i still don't understand

You watched that double slit video and do not understand what diffraction is?

Maybe look up "Huygen's Principle"
I will try.

Yes, I bet this will help:





Heat is a form of energy that arises from the motion of atoms and molecules in a substance. It is a form of energy transfer that occurs when there is a temperature difference between two objects or regions. Heat can be transferred through various mechanisms such as conduction, convection, and radiation.

To understand heat better, you can start by learning about temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy (the energy of motion) of the particles in a substance. When two objects of different temperatures come into contact, heat tends to flow from the hotter object to the colder object until they reach a state of thermal equilibrium, where their temperatures become equal.

To quantify heat, we use the unit called calories or joules. One calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. On the other hand, a joule is the unit of energy, and heat is just one form of energy.

Additionally, it's essential to understand the three modes of heat transfer:

1. Conduction: This is the transfer of heat within a solid or between objects in direct contact. Conduction occurs as the vibrations of particles pass thermal energy to adjacent particles.

2. Convection: This is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (liquid or gas). Convection occurs as the heated fluid expands and rises, carrying heat with it, while the cooler fluid sinks, creating a convection current.

3. Radiation: This is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require a medium and can occur in a vacuum. The Sun's heat reaching the Earth is an example of radiation.

Understanding these concepts will provide a comprehensive understanding of heat and how it transfers from one object or region to another.