The distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13 is 2.7 miles.

The distance between Exit 13 and Exit 14 is 0.9 mile farther than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13.

The distance between Exit 13 and Exit 15 is 6.8 miles farther than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 14.

What is the distance between exit 14 and 15?

14-15 Exits = 13.1 - 3.6 = 9.5

Your Welcome.

now you changed it

12 to 13 = 2.7
13 to 14 = 3.6

13 to 15 = 6.8 + 2.7 + 3.6 = 13.1

14 to 15 = 13.1 - 3.6 = 9.5
which is
13 to 15 - 13 to 14

The answer is 9.5

Use a number line by the way

To find the distance between Exit 14 and Exit 15, we need to understand the information given.

First, we are told that the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13 is 2.7 miles.

Next, we are given that the distance between Exit 13 and Exit 14 is 0.9 mile longer than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13. Therefore, we can calculate the distance between Exit 13 and Exit 14 by adding 2.7 miles and 0.9 miles, which equals 3.6 miles.

Finally, we are told that the distance between Exit 13 and Exit 15 is 6.8 miles longer than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 14. Since the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 14 is 3.6 miles, we can find the distance between Exit 13 and Exit 15 by adding 3.6 miles and 6.8 miles, which equals 10.4 miles.

Therefore, the distance between Exit 14 and Exit 15 is 10.4 miles.