You score 15,16,17,14, and 19 points out of 20 possible points on five tests. what must you score on the sixth test to have of at least 16 points?

(15+16+17+14+19+x)/6 >/= 16

81 + x >/= 96

x >/= 15

6 * 16 = 96 points needed

You have 81 points so far.

96 - 81 = ______ points needed on sixth test.

Thanks so much:)

To find out what score you need on the sixth test to have an average of at least 16 points, you can use the concept of weighted averages.

First, let's calculate the total points you have earned so far. You scored 15, 16, 17, 14, and 19 on the first five tests, which adds up to 15 + 16 + 17 + 14 + 19 = 81.

Now, let's calculate the total possible points so far. Each of the first five tests was out of 20 points, so the total possible points would be 20 * 5 = 100.

To calculate the score you need on the sixth test, let's assume it is x. Now we can set up an equation to find x:

(81 + x) / (100 + 20) >= 16

Simplifying the equation gives:

(81 + x) / 120 >= 16

Multiplying both sides of the inequality by 120 gives:

81 + x >= 16 * 120

81 + x >= 1920

Subtracting 81 from both sides gives:

x >= 1839

Therefore, to have an average of at least 16 points, you need to score 1839 or more on the sixth test.