How can x-8 be modeled by being described as a situation?


the situation is something always less than x by eight.

Describe a situation that can be modeled with the ratio 8 to 3

To model the expression x-8 as a situation, we need to think about what x represents in the situation. Let's say x represents the number of apples in a basket.

When we subtract 8 from x (x-8), it means that we are removing 8 apples from the basket. So, we could model x-8 as a situation where we have x apples in a basket, and then we take away 8 apples.

For example, if x is equal to 10, then x-8 would be 10-8, which equals 2. In this situation, we start with 10 apples in the basket, and we take away 8, leaving us with 2 apples.

So, modeling x-8 as a situation means representing it as starting with a certain quantity (x), and then subtracting 8 from that quantity.