suppose you have 60$ ro buy a shrimp and chicken wings for a party. shrimp costs $10/lb and wings cost$6/lb. write a linear equation that could be used to determone the number of pounds of each food that can be purchased with 60$

10s + 6c = 60

help i don't know

To write a linear equation that can determine the number of pounds of each food that can be purchased with $60, we need to establish the relationship between the cost of shrimp, the cost of chicken wings, and the total amount spent within the given budget.

Let's assume x represents the number of pounds of shrimp and y represents the number of pounds of chicken wings.

Since the cost of shrimp is $10 per pound and the cost of chicken wings is $6 per pound, the equation can be written as:

10x + 6y = 60

This equation represents the total cost of shrimp (10x) and the total cost of chicken wings (6y), both of which together should equal $60.