Imagine a scene where a group of Hispanic teenagers are holding a churro sale. There are delicious churros stacked high, a money box filled with dollar bills and coins, and a sign priced at $1.25 per churro. In the background, there are posters indicating that it's a fundraiser for the Spanish Club. Keep in mind that the image must have no text.

The Spanish Club is selling churros as a fundraiser. If its goal is to raise at least $150, how many churros must it sell at $1.25 each to meet that goal? Write and solve an inequality.

a. 1.25c=>150; c=>120
b. 1.25c=>150; c=>100
c. 150c=>1.25; c=>120
d. 150c=>1.25; c=>25

1.25 x >/= 150

x >/= 120


It’s A

cool thanks


OH AND I AM NOT REALLY Connections Academy

You'll have to take away the spaces... sorry.

To solve this problem, we need to set up an inequality to represent the situation.

Let's define the number of churros that need to be sold as "c" and the selling price of each churro as $1.25.

The total amount raised by selling "c" churros is given by multiplying the number of churros by the selling price. Therefore, the inequality is:

1.25c ≥ 150

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable "c".

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 1.25, we get:

c ≥ 150 / 1.25


c ≥ 120

Therefore, the answer is option a. The Spanish Club must sell at least 120 churros at $1.25 each to meet their goal of raising at least $150.

sorry for all caps

Do anyone have all the answers???

@Lee and any other person

h t t p s : / /