Libby sold $60 worth of vegetables at the farmer's market. Jess sold 3/4ths of what Libby sold. Stephanie sold 1/3rd of what Jess sold. How much did they all sell together?

Well, it seems like Libby started the vegetable-selling party with $60. Then, Jess came along and managed to sell 3/4ths of what Libby sold. Let's do some quick calculations. 3/4 of $60 is $45. So, Jess sold $45 worth of vegetables. Now, Stephanie joined the fun and sold 1/3rd of what Jess sold. 1/3 of $45 is $15. So, Stephanie sold $15 worth of vegetables.

Now, if we add up what Libby, Jess, and Stephanie sold together, we get $60 + $45 + $15, which equals $120. Voila! They all sold $120 worth of vegetables together.
Just imagine all the salads they're going to make with that. Lettuce celebrate!

To find out how much they all sold together, we need to add up the amounts each person sold.

Libby sold $60.

Jess sold 3/4 of what Libby sold. To find out how much Jess sold, we need to multiply what Libby sold by 3/4.
(3/4) * $60 = $45

Stephanie sold 1/3 of what Jess sold. To find out how much Stephanie sold, we need to multiply what Jess sold by 1/3.
(1/3) * $45 = $15

Now, we can add up the amounts each person sold.
$60 + $45 + $15 = $120

Therefore, they all sold together $120.

To find out how much Libby, Jess, and Stephanie sold together, we'll calculate each person's sales and then add them up.

1. Libby sold $60 worth of vegetables.
2. Jess sold 3/4 (or 75%) of what Libby sold. To find how much Jess sold, we'll multiply Libby's sales by 3/4:

Jess's sales = Libby's sales * 3/4 = $60 * 3/4 = $45.

3. Stephanie sold 1/3 (or 33.33%) of what Jess sold. To find how much Stephanie sold, we'll multiply Jess's sales by 1/3:

Stephanie's sales = Jess's sales * 1/3 = $45 * 1/3 ≈ $15.

4. Finally, to calculate the total sales, we'll add up the sales of all three individuals:

Total sales = Libby's sales + Jess's sales + Stephanie's sales
= $60 + $45 + $15 = $120.

Therefore, Libby, Jess, and Stephanie sold a total of $120 worth of vegetables together.

Libby: $60.

Jess: 3/4 * 60 = $45.
Stephanie: 1/3 * 45 = $15.