2-abc 3-def 4-ghi 5-jkl 6-mno 7-prs 8-tuv 9-wxy

639-8667(Apple dodger)
622-4463(let it do the work)
385-2786(an important point)

To determine the words or phrases represented by the given phone numbers, you can use the standard phone keypad layout to match each digit to its corresponding letter.

The keypad layout is as follows:
1: N/A
2: abc
3: def
4: ghi
5: jkl
6: mno
7: prs
8: tuv
9: wxy
0: N/A

Now let's break down each phone number and match the digits to their corresponding letters:

639-8667 (Apple dodger):
- The number starts with 6, so we look up the letters associated with 6, which are "mno".
- The next digit is 3, which corresponds to "def".
- The third digit is 9, which represents "wxy".
- Putting it all together, we get "mno-def-wxy", which translates to "dodger" in this case.

622-4463 (let it do the work):
- The first digit is 6, which corresponds to "mno".
- The second digit is also 2, which corresponds to "abc".
- The third digit is 2 again, representing "abc".
- Moving on, we have 4, which corresponds to "ghi".
- The fifth digit is 4 as well, representing "ghi".
- The sixth digit is 6, which corresponds to "mno".
- The last digit is 3, representing "def".
- Putting it all together, we get "mno-abc-abc-ghi-ghi-mno-def", which translates to "let it do the work" in this case.

385-2786 (an important point):
- The first digit is 3, representing "def".
- The second digit is 8, which corresponds to "tuv".
- The third digit is 5, representing "jkl".
- Moving on, we have 2, which corresponds to "abc".
- The fifth digit is 7, representing "prs".
- The sixth digit is 8 again, which corresponds to "tuv".
- The last digit is 6, representing "mno".
- Putting it all together, we get "def-tuv-jkl-abc-prs-tuv-mno", which translates to "an important point" in this case.

By using this method, you can decipher any phone number and convert the digits into corresponding words or phrases.