Which form of the verb "estar" would you use with the pronoun "we"?

a) esta
b) estamos***
c) estais
d) estan

¡Que bueno!


The correct form of the verb "estar" to use with the pronoun "we" is b) estamos.

The correct form of the verb "estar" to use with the pronoun "we" is "estamos" (option b). To determine this, you need to know the conjugation of the verb "estar" for the pronoun "we" in Spanish. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by identifying the pronoun in question, which is "we" in this case.
2. Next, find the correct form of the verb "estar" for the pronoun "we". To do this, you can apply the appropriate verb conjugation rules for the subject pronoun "we" in Spanish.
3. In Spanish, "we" is translated as "nosotros", and the correct conjugation of "estar" for "nosotros" is "estamos".
4. Comparing the conjugation options provided, you can see that option b, "estamos", matches the correct form of the verb for "we".

Therefore, the correct answer is b) estamos.