description of the population

statistics LOCATION in South Carolina already found the age and race just having trouble with the location statistics please help!!!!!!

Scroll down and click on the counties that you want more info about.

You can also search for particular cities or general areas of the state at

Hard to believe you'd go asking for help without even trying google first. First hit: the one above.

To find population statistics for a specific location in South Carolina, you can utilize various resources such as official government websites, statistical databases, or community profiles. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find location-specific population statistics:

1. Start by visiting the official website of the South Carolina state government. Look for sections related to demographics, population, or statistics. Usually, these sections can be found under departments such as the Census Bureau or the Department of Commerce.

2. Within the demographics or population section, search for information related to your specific location in South Carolina. This might be a city, county, town, or even a neighborhood. Keep in mind that detailed statistics may not be available for smaller geographic areas.

3. If the state government website does not provide the specific information you need, you can also consult other sources. One option is to look for official websites of local governments, such as city or county websites. They often publish population data and community profiles.

4. If you are unable to find the desired information on government websites, consider using statistical databases, such as the U.S. Census Bureau's American FactFinder. This online tool allows you to search for a specific location and provides a wide range of demographic data, including population statistics.

5. Another useful resource is the South Carolina State Data Center. They provide access to various demographic and economic data for different geographic areas within the state. Their website includes publications and reports that might contain the specific location statistics you are looking for.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the location-specific population statistics for your area of interest in South Carolina.