Please help, is this right.

Circle the number closest in value to 8.

a. 7.9
b. 8.04
c.8.1 (there is a line over the 1)
d. 7.89 (there is a line over the 9)

I selected b: 8.04


Thanks for checking Ms.Sue

You're welcome, Stan.

You are correct! Option b: 8.04 is the number that is closest in value to 8.

To determine which number is closest to 8, you can compare the absolute difference between each number and 8. The absolute difference is the positive value of the subtraction of the two numbers.

Let's calculate the absolute differences:

a. |8 - 7.9| = 0.1
b. |8 - 8.04| = 0.04
c. |8 - 8.1| = 0.1
d. |8 - 7.89| = 0.11

As you can see, the absolute difference between 8 and 8.04 (option b) is the smallest with 0.04, making it the number closest in value to 8. Therefore, your choice of b: 8.04 is correct.