On an average day, 38 customers buy a bag of grapes at Jerry's Market. There are an average of 47 grapes in each bag. Round to the nearest ten and then multiply to estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day.



All you did change 34 customers to 38 custumers.

How do you think you have to change Damon's solution?

To estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day, we can round the average number of grapes per bag to the nearest ten and then multiply it by the number of bags sold.

Rounding the average number of grapes per bag (47) to the nearest ten, we get 50.

Now we can multiply the rounded average (50) by the number of bags sold (38):

50 grapes/bag x 38 bags = 1900 grapes

Therefore, on average, Jerry's customers buy around 1900 grapes every day.

To estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day, you will need to multiply the average number of customers by the average number of grapes in each bag.

Step 1: Round the average number of customers to the nearest ten.

In this case, the average number of customers is 38. Rounding 38 to the nearest ten gives us 40.

Step 2: Multiply the rounded average number of customers by the average number of grapes in each bag.

In this case, the rounded average number of customers is 40, and the average number of grapes in each bag is 47.

40 * 47 = 1880

Therefore, the estimated number of grapes that Jerry's customers buy every day is approximately 1880.