On an average day, 34 customers buy a bag of grapes at Jerry's Market. There are an average of 47 grapes in each bag. Round to the nearest ten and then multiply to estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day.

To estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day, follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the average number of customers buying a bag of grapes to the nearest ten.
34 customers ≈ 30 customers

Step 2: Round the average number of grapes in each bag to the nearest ten.
47 grapes ≈ 50 grapes

Step 3: Multiply the rounded number of customers by the rounded number of grapes in each bag.
30 customers × 50 grapes = 1500 grapes

Therefore, Jerry's customers buy approximately 1500 grapes every day.

To estimate the number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day, we can multiply the average number of customers by the average number of grapes in each bag.

1. Round the average number of customers, 34, to the nearest ten. Since 34 is already a multiple of ten, it remains the same.

2. Multiply the rounded average number of customers by the average number of grapes in each bag:
34 customers × 47 grapes = 1598 grapes.

3. Since the question asks for the answer rounded to the nearest ten, we need to round 1598 to the nearest ten. In this case, rounding to the nearest ten means rounding to the nearest hundred.

4. The nearest hundred to 1598 is 1600.

Therefore, the estimated number of grapes Jerry's customers buy every day, rounded to the nearest ten, is 1600 grapes.

34 * 47

rounded is 30 * 50 = 1500