Olivia used colored ribbon for each craft project.she used 1/6 of a yard of green,1/3 of a yard of red, and 1/4 of a yard of yellow. Which ribbing is the longest.

Convert fractions to decimals. Do you know how to do that?

Go to www.google.com
Enter each fraction and press Enter.
Write down what each fraction converts to.

What do you come up with?

1/6 = http://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=1%2F6

1/3 =

1/4 =

So now -- which of those is clearly the largest number?


And once you decide that, you can choose the longest length of ribbon. Which do you choose?


That's incorrect for 1/6. Please try again.


1/6= 0.66666666

1/3= 0.33333333
1/4= .25