Q:Wrist of assistance enabled British customs officers to search

A:Homes for smuggled goods

Q-2: How did the colonists show their anger for the Coercive Acts?

A:Planned the Boston tea party

Q-3:What did the Olive Branch petition ask the king to do?

A:Protect the colonist rights

Q-4: parliament eventually repealed this act because of the colonists' protests?

A:Stamp Act

Q-5: Boston When Britain learned that the colonies were on the brink of rebellion in 1768, Parliament responded by?

A:sending troops to Boston

Q-6:The British learned that defeating the Americans would not be easy after the British won the?

A: Battle of Bunker Hill.

Q-7: Goods being imported to the colonies were taxed by the?

A:The Townshend Acts

Q-8:Which group did the colonies organize to fight against great Britain?

A: Continental army

Q-9: in 1775 a month after lexington and concord this declaration was written mostly by thomas jefferson and john dickinson at the_____

A:second continental congress

Q-10:Which factor contributed to the movement for independence from Britain?

A: Thomas Paine's Common Sense

B: Discontent among the colonist over King Goerge's restrictive trade polocies

C: a desire by the colonists to govern themselves

D: All of the above****

Am I correct :)

All are correct. :)

2 was B :/

I didn't see B. You did not list your choices.

Don't use those answers!!! I made a 60% because of that! The real answers are:

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. D

Ur right except for three of them 5 is c 7 is d and 9 is b trust me I just used his answers and got those three wrong

2 is A

2 is b

1. D

2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
I got 100% on the test
So they are all correct XD *o*

hey is wrong so don't listen to her/him

jay is right