Could someone please help us to write and solve an equation for this:

A football team has a net yardage of
-26 1/3 yards on a series of plays. The team needs a net yardage of 10 yards to get a first down. How many yards do they have to get on their next play to get a first down?

-26 1/3 + x = + 10 ???

x = 10 + 26 1/3

x = 36 1/3

which I am sure you knew :)

31 1/3 duh! i don't even watch football! it was homework for me

31 1/3

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation. Let's represent the number of yards the team needs to get on their next play to get a first down as "x".

The given net yardage on the series of plays is -26 1/3 yards, which can also be written as -79/3 yards.

The team needs a net yardage of 10 yards to get a first down.

So, the equation becomes: (-79/3) + x = 10.

To solve for "x", we can isolate it by subtracting -79/3 from both sides of the equation.

(-79/3) + (-79/3) + x = 10 + (-79/3).

This simplifies to:
x = (30/3) + (-79/3)
x = (-49/3).

Therefore, the team needs to gain (-49/3) yards on their next play to get a first down.

jk lol