Alice Correa bought three yards of cloth to make a dress. The cloth was on sale for $1.93 per yard.

How much did Alice pay for the cloth if the sales tax was 5 percent?

3 * 1.93 * 1.05 = ?

I'm pretty sure it's 3 x 1.93 x .5

To calculate the total cost, we'll need to find the cost of the cloth without tax first, and then add the tax on top.

Step 1: Calculate the cost of the cloth without tax.
Alice bought three yards of cloth, and the price per yard was $1.93. We can find the total cost without tax by multiplying the price per yard by the number of yards:
Cost without tax = 3 yards * $1.93/yard

Step 2: Calculate the sales tax amount.
The sales tax rate is 5 percent. To find the tax amount, we need to multiply the cost without tax by the tax rate:
Tax amount = Cost without tax * 5%

Step 3: Add the tax amount to the cost without tax to find the total cost.
Total cost = Cost without tax + Tax amount

Let's calculate each step:

Step 1: Cost without tax = 3 yards * $1.93/yard = $5.79

Step 2: Tax amount = $5.79 * 5% = $0.29

Step 3: Total cost = $5.79 + $0.29 = $6.08

Therefore, Alice paid $6.08 for the cloth, including the 5 percent sales tax.

To calculate how much Alice paid for the cloth, we need to find the total cost of the cloth before tax and then add the tax amount.

First, let's calculate the total cost of the cloth before tax:
Multiply the price per yard by the number of yards:
Total cost before tax = $1.93/yard * 3 yards = $5.79

Next, let's calculate the tax amount:
Multiply the total cost before tax by the tax rate as a decimal:
Tax amount = $5.79 * 0.05 = $0.29

Finally, let's calculate the total cost, including tax:
Total cost = Total cost before tax + Tax amount = $5.79 + $0.29 = $6.08

Therefore, Alice paid $6.08 for the cloth after including the sales tax.