4X472 rounding

What are you rounding? To what place are you supposed to round?

To swim

And play roblox
And watch squid game at Netflix

To round the number 4X472, you need to look at the digit in the place value indicated by the "X." Let's assume that "X" represents the tens place value.

To round a number, follow these steps:

1. Look at the digit to the right of the "X" in the number. In this case, it is 7.
2. If the digit to the right of "X" is 5 or greater, increase the "X" digit by 1. If it is less than 5, leave the "X" digit as it is.
3. Replace all the digits to the right of "X" with zeros.
4. If the "X" digit becomes 10 or greater after rounding, remember to carry over the excess number accordingly.

Using these steps, we can round 4X472. Since the digit to the right of "X" is 7, which is greater than 5, we round up. The "X" digit, which represents the tens place, should be increased by 1. After rounding, the number becomes:

4X472 rounded to the nearest ten: 4X480.

Remember that the actual value of "X" will depend on the specific problem or number you are working with.