My Question:- Give at least 2 examples of good questions to ask in an informational interview.

My answer:-
1. How many hours do you work in a typical week?
2. Why do people leave this field or company?

Are these 2 good examples to ask in an informational interview,I need to give 2 good examples and I thought of these. Thanks

I'd ask more positive questions.

What do you especially like about this job?
What are the challenges of this job?
What do you do in a normal day?

OK, thanks!

You're welcome. :-)

Yes, these are good examples of questions to ask in an informational interview. They are both open-ended questions that can provide valuable insights and help you gain a better understanding of the field or company you are interested in.

To come up with good questions for an informational interview, it's important to keep in mind the goal of the interview, which is to gather information and learn from the experiences and knowledge of the interviewee. Here are two additional examples of good questions to consider:

1. What skills or qualifications are most important for success in this field?
- This question allows you to understand the specific skills or qualifications that are valued in the industry. It can give you insights into what you should focus on developing or highlighting in order to excel in the field.

2. What advice would you give to someone starting out in this industry?
- This question provides an opportunity to gain valuable insights and learn from the interviewee's personal experiences. The advice they share can help you navigate challenges, set realistic expectations, and gain a better understanding of the industry from a seasoned professional's perspective.

Remember, the key to conducting a successful informational interview is to ask open-ended questions that require more than a simple "yes" or "no" answer. These types of questions encourage the interviewee to provide thoughtful and informative responses, allowing you to gather valuable information to aid in your career exploration.