12. Why were the native Americans so important in the clash between the french and the British explain which side french of British received the best advantage with the native Americans provide evidence supporting your reason for selecting that side.

I think the answer might be: The French because the Natives hated the British and did not hate the French as much.

Read your text materials to find out more. This answer is very inadequate. You'll find information here, too:


To determine which side, the French or the British, received the best advantage with the Native Americans during the clash between the two powers, we need to examine historical evidence. It is true that the Native Americans played a crucial role in this conflict, as they formed alliances with both the French and the British.

To find evidence supporting the reason for selecting the French as the side that received the best advantage, we can refer to historical sources, such as primary accounts, academic research, and historical records. Let's explore some of the key factors that led to the French gaining an advantage with the Native Americans:

1. Trade and Diplomacy: The French had established long-standing trade relationships with various Native American tribes. They pursued peaceful alliances with these tribes through trade and diplomacy, often relying on the fur trade as a means of strengthening their partnerships. This fostered a positive relationship between the French and Native Americans, creating a sense of trust and cooperation.

2. The Treaty of Montreal (1701): The French solidified their relationship with the Native Americans through the Treaty of Montreal. This agreement aimed to establish peaceful relations between New France (French colonies) and the Iroquois Confederacy and other Native American tribes. By negotiating this treaty, the French gained a significant advantage in securing Native American alliances against their British counterparts.

3. Cultural Similarities: The French had a more conciliatory approach towards Native American cultures compared to the British. French settlers often adopted aspects of Native American lifestyles, showcasing a degree of cultural assimilation that helped strengthen their alliances. The French were regarded by many Native Americans as more respectful and accommodating, which further contributed to the advantage they enjoyed.

4. Military Support: The French actively utilized Native American warriors as allies in military operations. Native American tribes, such as the Huron, Algonquin, and Ottawa, fought alongside the French in battles against the British forces. This collaboration provided the French with valuable resources, intelligence, and an increased ability to mount successful military campaigns against the British.

While it is important to note that not all Native American tribes supported the French, these factors collectively suggest that the French enjoyed a more advantageous position in their relations with the Native Americans compared to the British during the clash. However, it is essential to consider that historical events are complex and multifaceted, and there may be additional factors that influenced the relationships between the Native Americans and the French or British during this time.