Please check my answer. 11 1/9% of what number is 600? I have 5400.54


(100/900)x = 600

x = 600(900)/100 = 5400

Thanks Ms. Sue you are the greatest.


To check if your answer of 5400.54 is correct, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction "11 1/9%" into a decimal. To do this, we need to convert the mixed fraction into an improper fraction and then divide it by 100.

11 1/9% = (11+1/9)% = 100/9%

Converting 100/9% to decimal form:

100/9% = (100/9) ÷ 100 = 1.111...

So, 11 1/9% is equal to approximately 0.0111 (rounded to four decimal places).

Step 2: Let's set up an equation to solve for the unknown number:

0.0111 * x = 600

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.0111:

x = 600 ÷ 0.0111 ≈ 5405.405...

Therefore, the correct answer is approximately 5405.405, not 5400.54.

Hence, your answer of 5400.54 is not correct.