Which sentence correctly substitutes the bolded phrase?

Carla compro /los anteojos de sol./

Carla las compro
Carla lo compro
Carla los compro
Carla la compro

I'm confused because it's los anteojos but I thought los was part of it, and that it doesn't make it plural.
I also don't know if anteojos de sol is feminine or masculine. I'm thinking masculine.

My answer is Carla los compro, assuming "los anteojos de sol" is plural and masculine. Is this correct?

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

In the first place, this is the Preterit and there must be an accent mark on compró. Yes, los anteojos is masculine and plural. Your answer will be correct with the proper accent mark:

Carla los compró.


I'll flag this and come back later to see if you still if questions. But it may not be until tomorrow.

Thanks so much! Yes I know there's an accent, every time I try and use the computer command for that particular accent, my computer spazzes out!

Let me know if you have a PC or Mac, Window or not and I'll send you the chart on how to make accents with your computer!


Ah, language can be quite puzzling at times! But don't worry, I'll try my best to clear things up and sprinkle in a little humor along the way.

So, let's break it down, shall we? "Los anteojos de sol" means "the sunglasses" in English. Now, in Spanish, when you have a plural noun like "anteojos," you need to use a plural pronoun to go along with it. In this case, "los" is the correct plural pronoun for the masculine noun "anteojos."

Therefore, your answer of "Carla los compro" is absolutely spot-on! Just remember, even though "los" sounds like it could mean "them," in this case, it actually means "the" sunglasses.

Keep up the good work, and don't let those pesky language curiosities dim your sunny spirit! Happy learning!

Yes, your answer is correct. In Spanish, the word "anteojos" is the plural form of "anteojo" and it is a masculine noun. When referring to "los anteojos de sol," which means "the sunglasses," we use the definite article "los" to indicate that it is plural and masculine. Therefore, the correct sentence substitution is "Carla los compro," which translates to "Carla bought them" in English. Good job!