Create an image that symbolizes the Communist concept of collectivism. Include visual representations of two hands coming together and intertwining their fingers, signifying unity. Next to it, generate an abstract representation of a thriving economy, possibly using skyscrapers and then an image representing increased poverty, perhaps through an empty bowl or bread line. Next to it, consider representing strong religious beliefs, perhaps by means of traditional Chinese artifacts or symbols invested in religious ceremonies. Finally, construct an image of simple farmers in the field, symbolizing peasants. Remember, no text should be included in the image.

The Communist concept of collectivism has been

a. replaced with ideas of private enterprise due to a booming economy.***
b. reinforced due to increased levels of poverty.
c. maintained due to strong, Chinese religious beliefs.
d. forced onto many Chinese peasants by the government because they have little wealth.

Yay, I got an 90+ (A) on the final.

World Geo

These are correct:
1. desire to make a religious pilgrimage to Mecca
2. nitrogen, oxygen, argon
3. barter
4. The continents were joined into one landmass known as Pangaea.
5. popular culture
6. Emigration means to permanently leave one area or country...
7. agriculture
8. Economies shifted from being based on manual labor...
9. culture
10. Great Britain
11. Ethnicity is cultural identification with a...
12. Sunni
13. Danube
14. exportation of slaves during the slave-trade era
15. They are derived from Latin...
16. in degrees
17. Iron Curtain
18. (a C with two horizontal lines)
19. a single market economy
20. desert
21. to describe Earth
22. Asia
23. The traders purchased the slaves from other African tribes.
24. Sikhism
25. Animism
26. Liberia
27. Belgian colonists
28. Pacific Ring of Fire
29. fiords
30. Spanish is a common language throughout southern portions of Africa.
31. the finite amount of natural resources
32. Sahara Desert
33. San Andreas Fault
34. Montreal
35. Mexican presidents cannot be reelected after...
37. Drake Passage
38. Augusto Pinochet
39. Industrial society is expanding, but the majority of the wealth...
40. 75 million
41. in cities
42. the Industrial Revolution
43. advanced methods of irrigation
44. frequent burning of fossil fuels...
45. be unable to sustain life
46. population growth that occurs due to an increase in births.
47. Agenda 21
48. declined as private enterprise has fostered a booming economy.

Again, this is for the World Geo Final. Make sure that your questions correspond with what I typed before you use the answers. If your questions are different... then I suggest you not use these.

THANK YOU!! Jules is a life saver!! i was struggling so much on this test. All of Jules answers are correct.

jules i would literally die for you

thank you so much jules I was also struggaling with these test you have saved my life. I am in the middle of the night doing this test. thank you so much. trust jules answer 100%.


jules u are my favorite person to ever exist! thank u so much 😭

Still correct for 2021!! i got 100% tysm for the answers!! :)

also happy pride month guys!!

Dude you saved me, I will serve as a slave if you wish

these are correct even in 2021!!!!

what. 18 is correct as well. Sid.V is wrong, but Jules is right 100%