Peasants in China

a. account for very little of the nation’s overall production of food
b. are given less opportunities to make profit than ever before due to harsh communist control by the Chinese government***
c. have experienced a dramatic shift because many left farming and moved to cities to work in factories
d. must give all of their earnings from production to the Chinese government

No. b is not right.

then what is it?

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I did

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and explain how to arrive at the answer:

a. To determine if peasants in China account for very little of the nation's overall production of food, we would need to examine statistical data on agricultural production in China. This information can be obtained from government reports, agricultural organizations, or research institutes that study food production. By analyzing this data, we can determine the proportion of food produced by peasants and whether it is a significant or insignificant contribution to the nation's overall food production.

b. To establish whether peasants in China are given fewer opportunities to make a profit due to harsh communist control by the Chinese government, we need to evaluate government policies and regulations and their impact on the livelihoods of peasants. These policies and regulations can be obtained from government publications, academic research, or news articles. By studying these sources, we can ascertain if the government's control has led to limited profit-making opportunities for peasants.

c. To determine if there has been a significant shift among peasants in China, with many leaving farming to work in factories in cities, we would need to examine demographic and migration data. This information can be obtained from population censuses, migration reports, or surveys conducted by government agencies or research institutions. By analyzing this data, we can ascertain if there has been a significant exodus of peasants from agriculture to factory work in cities.

d. To establish if peasants in China must give all their earnings from production to the Chinese government, we need to examine taxation and land ownership policies. This information can be obtained from official government sources, tax regulations, land ownership laws, or studies on the economic status of peasants. By analyzing these sources, we can determine if all earnings from production are required to be handed over to the government.

By conducting research and gathering information from reliable sources, it is possible to determine the correct answer based on verifiable facts and data.