I need help in French,its Passé Composé.

Use the following prompts and verbs to make complete sentences in the Passé Composé in French. Some of the verbs will use AVOIR and some will use Etre.

1. Je / dire / la vérité
2. Je / retourner / samedi
3. Les voisines / vivre /loin de leurs familles
4. Nous/Faire / un promenade
5. Tu/ descendre / de ta chambre
6. Mes parents / voyager /l'été dernier
7 Ils / avoir / faim

Someone will be glad to check your sentences.

j'ai dit la verité

je suis retourné samedi
les voisines ont vécu loin de leurs familles
nous avons fait une promenade
tu es descendu dans ta chambre
mes parents ont voyagé l'aîné dernière

ils ont faim

To form sentences in the Passé Composé in French, you will need to conjugate verbs using either the auxiliary verbs "avoir" or "être" followed by the past participle of the main verb.

1. Je ai dit la vérité. (I said the truth)
In this case, we use the auxiliary verb "avoir" (ai) followed by the past participle of the verb "dire" (dit).

2. Je suis retourné samedi. (I returned on Saturday)
Here, we use the auxiliary verb "être" (suis) followed by the past participle of the verb "retourner" (retourné). Note that "retourner" is one of the verbs that use "être" as the auxiliary verb.

3. Les voisines ont vécu loin de leurs familles. (The neighbors lived far from their families)
In this example, we use the auxiliary verb "avoir" (ont) followed by the past participle of the verb "vivre" (vécu).

4. Nous avons fait une promenade. (We took a walk)
Here, we use the auxiliary verb "avoir" (avons) followed by the past participle of the verb "faire" (fait).

5. Tu es descendu de ta chambre. (You came down from your room)
In this case, we use the auxiliary verb "être" (es) followed by the past participle of the verb "descendre" (descendu). Note that "descendre" is one of the verbs that use "être" as the auxiliary verb.

6. Mes parents ont voyagé l'été dernier. (My parents traveled last summer)
Here, we use the auxiliary verb "avoir" (ont) followed by the past participle of the verb "voyager" (voyagé).

7. Ils ont eu faim. (They were hungry)
In this example, we use the auxiliary verb "avoir" (ont) followed by the past participle of the verb "avoir" (eu).

Remember that the choice between "avoir" and "être" as auxiliary verbs depends on the main verb. Regular verbs and most verbs use "avoir," while some reflexive verbs and verbs of motion use "être."