The harshest diposition that a juvenile judge can impose is?

- Assignement to a diversion program
- Incarceration <--- ?
-Commitment to a residential facility

The authority of both of the adult court system to hear juvenile cases is referred to as?
-Prosecutorial Wavier
-Judicial Wavier <---
-Concurrent jurisdiction

Some juveniles serve their sentences in local jails?

True or False.. True?

I agree with your answers.

Thank you :)

You're welcome. :-)

The harshest disposition that a juvenile judge can impose is incarceration. To arrive at this answer, we can review the given options and determine the severity of each disposition.

- Assignment to a diversion program is a less severe option where juveniles are diverted away from the formal court process and are provided with an alternative program to address their behavior.
- Commitment to a residential facility involves placing the juvenile in a secured residential facility for a certain period.
- Probation is a less severe disposition where the juvenile is monitored in the community by a probation officer, with certain conditions to follow.

In comparison to these options, incarceration is the most severe disposition as it involves placing the juvenile in a correctional facility such as a juvenile detention center.

The authority of the adult court system to hear juvenile cases is referred to as judicial waiver. This means that the juvenile court transfers the case to the adult court for adjudication and disposition.

Regarding the statement "Some juveniles serve their sentences in local jails?" - This statement is true. In some jurisdictions, particularly in cases where juveniles are tried as adults, they may serve their sentences in local jails alongside adult offenders.