Describe the preparation of 250cm^3 of 0.05M H2SO4 given the following stock bottle solution.

Specific gravity=1.84
Molecular weight=98

a gas sample in a vial originally at 0.6 atm and 300 k. What other property of gas has changed? What is the value of this property after heating?

To prepare 250cm^3 of 0.05M H2SO4 solution, we need to calculate the volume and amount of the stock solution required based on its purity, specific gravity, and molecular weight.

1. Calculate the molecular weight of H2SO4 (sulfuric acid):
- The molecular weight of H2SO4 is calculated as follows:
(2 * atomic mass of hydrogen) + atomic mass of sulfur + (4 * atomic mass of oxygen)
= (2 * 1) + 32 + (4 * 16)
= 98 g/mol

2. Calculate the amount of H2SO4 required to make the desired concentration and volume:
- The amount of H2SO4 (in moles) can be calculated using the formula:
Amount (in moles) = concentration (in moles/L) * volume (in L)
= 0.05 mol/L * 0.250 L
= 0.0125 moles

3. Determine the amount of H2SO4 in grams:
- The amount of H2SO4 (in grams) can be calculated using the formula:
Amount (in grams) = Amount (in moles) * molecular weight (in g/mol)
= 0.0125 moles * 98 g/mol
= 1.225 g

4. Adjust for purity and specific gravity:
- Since the stock solution is not 100% pure, we need to adjust the amount of H2SO4 calculated in step 3 by considering the purity and specific gravity.
- Calculate the adjusted amount as follows:
Adjusted amount (in grams) = (Amount (in grams) / purity) * specific gravity
= (1.225 g / 0.98) * 1.84
= 2.32 g

5. Determine the volume of the stock solution required:
- The volume of the stock solution needed can be calculated using the formula:
Volume (in mL) = (Adjusted amount (in grams) / specific gravity) * 1000
= (2.32 g / 1.84) * 1000
= 1260.87 mL (approximately)

Therefore, to prepare 250cm^3 (or 250 mL) of 0.05M H2SO4, you will need to measure approximately 1260.87 mL of the stock solution with a purity of 98%.