solve 2 step equation

m + 5
______ = -5

I thought the answer was -50, but my mom is not sure

solve 2 step equation

m + 5
______ = -5

I thought the answer was -50, but my mom is not sure

sorry typo

m + 5

______ = -5

Multiply both sides by 9.

m + 5 = -45

m = -50

You are right!

Substitute -50 back into the original equation to prove it.

thank you so much Ms. Sue!

You are very welcome, Judith.

To solve the two-step equation, you need to isolate the variable "m" on one side.

Step 1: Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation to move it away from the fraction.
(m + 5)/5 = -5 - 5
(m + 5)/5 = -10

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction and solve for "m".
5 * (m + 5)/5 = -10 * 5
m + 5 = -50

Now, to find the value of "m," subtract 5 from both sides of the equation:
m + 5 - 5 = -50 - 5
m = -55

So, the solution to the equation is m = -55. Your initial guess of -50 is incorrect.