1.solve the inqulitey m-7<6

m<13 <--

n>1 <-n>13

p<-5 <--

4. the science class is taking a trip to the science center. There are 20 students and an unknowed number of adults. The bus holds at most 35 what is the greatest number of adults that can join

1 and 4 are correct.

2. Add 8 to both sides.

3. Subtract 5 from both sides.

1. To solve the inequality m - 7 < 6, we need to isolate the variable "m" on one side of the inequality sign. Here's the step-by-step process:

m - 7 < 6
First, let's move the constant term (-7) to the right side of the inequality by adding 7 to both sides:
m - 7 + 7 < 6 + 7
m < 13

So the solution to the inequality is m < 13. In other words, any value of "m" that is less than 13 will satisfy the inequality.

2. To solve the inequality n - 8 > 5, we'll follow a similar approach:

n - 8 > 5
First, let's move the constant term (-8) to the right side of the inequality by adding 8 to both sides:
n - 8 + 8 > 5 + 8
n > 13

So the solution to the inequality is n > 13. In other words, any value of "n" that is greater than 13 will satisfy the inequality.

3. To solve the inequality p + 5 < 10, we'll follow the same steps:

p + 5 < 10
First, let's move the constant term (+5) to the right side of the inequality by subtracting 5 from both sides:
p + 5 - 5 < 10 - 5
p < 5

So the solution to the inequality is p < 5. In other words, any value of "p" that is less than 5 will satisfy the inequality.

4. To determine the greatest number of adults that can join the science class trip, we'll subtract the number of students (20) from the bus's maximum capacity (35):

35 - 20 = 15

Therefore, the greatest number of adults that can join the trip is 15.