break apart the addends to find the a sum 18+26=



To break apart the addends and find the sum of 18 + 26, we can use a method called "partial sums."

Step 1: Break apart the addends into tens and ones.
- In 18, we have 10 + 8.
- In 26, we have 20 + 6.

Step 2: Add the tens and ones separately.
- Add 10 and 20 together: 10 + 20 = 30.
- Add 8 and 6 together: 8 + 6 = 14.

Step 3: Add the results from step 2.
- Add 30 and 14 together: 30 + 14 = 44.

Therefore, the sum of 18 + 26 is 44.