Can someone please check my history questions?

1) Republicans were responsible for the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which effectively nullified the Three-fifths Compromise. Why was this an issue of concern for Republicans?
A) because it meant that former Confederates were eligible to hold federal office
B) because it meant that the four million freed people in the South would now be counted in each
Southern state's congressional appointment
C) because it "threw down the gauntlet" and threatened southern Democrats
D) because Lincoln opposed it
My Answer~b

10) In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that
A) states may not secede from the Union
B) racial segregation was constitutional
C) slaves are property and may not be taken from their owners
D) all western territories should be open to slavery
My Answer~B

Both are correct. :)

Alright, thank you soo much!!

You are very welcome.

1) To determine the correct answer for the first history question, let's analyze the options:

A) This option does not directly address the concern of Republicans regarding the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment.

B) This option highlights a major concern for Republicans. By nullifying the Three-fifths Compromise, the Thirteenth Amendment ensured that the four million freed people in the South would be counted in each Southern state's congressional appointment. This meant that the political power in Congress would shift, potentially favoring Republicans who were in support of the amendment.

C) While this option suggests that the Thirteenth Amendment threatened southern Democrats, it does not fully capture the specific concern of Republicans.

D) This option mentions Lincoln, but it does not provide a sufficient explanation for why Republicans would be concerned.

Based on the given options, option B is the most accurate answer. Republicans were indeed concerned about the impact of the Thirteenth Amendment on Southern states' congressional representation with the inclusion of freed people.

Moving on to the second question:

10) In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that:

A) This option mentions the states' secession from the Union, which is not the subject matter of the Plessy v. Ferguson case.

B) This option correctly represents the ruling of the Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson. The court declared that racial segregation, as long as facilities were "separate but equal," was constitutional.

C) This option references the ownership of slaves, which is unrelated to the Plessy v. Ferguson case.

D) This option discusses the expansion of slavery in western territories, which is not the subject of the Plessy v. Ferguson case.

Based on the given options, the correct answer to the question is B, as it accurately reflects the Supreme Court ruling in the Plessy v. Ferguson case.