Wilma drove at an average speed of 60 mi/h from her home in City A to visit her sister in City B. She stayed in City B 20 hours, and on the trip back averaged 50 mi/h. She returned home 45 hours after leaving. How many miles is City A from City B

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To calculate the distance between City A and City B, you need to use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

First, let's calculate the time it took Wilma to drive from City A to City B. We know that Wilma drove at an average speed of 60 mi/h, and the time it took is unknown.

Let's assume the time taken to drive from City A to City B is 't' hours.

So, using the formula Distance = Speed * Time,

Distance from City A to City B = 60 mi/h * t hours

Next, let's calculate the time Wilma spent in City B. We know that she stayed for 20 hours.

Now, let's calculate the time it took Wilma to drive back from City B to City A. We know she averaged a speed of 50 mi/h, and the time taken is unknown.

Again, let's assume the time taken to drive back from City B to City A is 'u' hours.

So, using the formula Distance = Speed * Time,

Distance from City B to City A = 50 mi/h * u hours

Finally, we know that she returned home 45 hours after leaving City A.

So, the total time of the trip (including her stay in City B and the time traveled) is t + 20 hours + u = 45 hours.

Now we can solve the equation:

t + 20 + u = 45
t + u = 45 - 20
t + u = 25

We have two equations with two unknowns:

1) Distance from City A to City B = 60 mi/h * t hours
2) Distance from City B to City A = 50 mi/h * u hours

By combining these equations, we can find the distance between City A and City B.

However, without additional information about the time taken or the distance covered for either leg of the journey, it is not possible to determine the exact distance between City A and City B.

To find the distance between City A and City B, we can use the formula distance = speed × time.

Let's calculate the distance of the trip from City A to City B first.

Wilma drove at an average speed of 60 mi/h from home in City A to City B. Since she traveled at this speed for the entire journey, we just need to multiply her speed by the time it took her to travel.

Distance from City A to City B = speed × time
Distance from City A to City B = 60 mi/h × time

Now, we have some missing information. We know that Wilma stayed in City B for 20 hours, but we don't know how long it took her to travel from City A to City B.

Let's call the time it took her to travel from City A to City B as "t" hours.

Distance from City A to City B = 60 mi/h × t

Next, let's calculate the distance of the trip from City B back to City A.

On the return trip, Wilma averaged a speed of 50 mi/h, and she took 45 hours to return home. Again, we can use the formula distance = speed × time.

Distance from City B to City A = speed × time
Distance from City B to City A = 50 mi/h × 45 hours

Now, we can equate the two distances, as the distance from City A to City B is the same as the distance from City B to City A.

60 mi/h × t = 50 mi/h × 45 hours

To solve for "t," we can divide both sides of the equation by 60 mi/h.

t = (50 mi/h × 45 hours) / 60 mi/h

t = 2250 mi/hour / 60 mi/hour

t = 37.5 hours

Now that we know it took her 37.5 hours to travel from City A to City B, we can calculate the distance between the two cities.

Distance from City A to City B = 60 mi/h × 37.5 hours
Distance from City A to City B = 2250 miles

Therefore, City A is 2250 miles away from City B.